Bag In Box For Coffee/Cold Brew


Our Bag in Box is specially designed to keep your coffee or cold brew fresher than ever. Our coffee box does not allow air to reach your coffee, which prevents it from oxidizing. Coffee that is not oxidized and stored properly in our boxes naturally tastes better!

Bag in Box will exceed your packaging expectations when it comes to preserving the quality of your coffee! However, there are many different advantages when it comes to using our boxes.

Using our packaging material will not only enhance your coffee’s flavor, it will also make your liquid product more Eco-friendly! Our economical boxes reduce waste for shipping volume, making it the ultimate storing alternative for your coffee product! Bag in Box is better than your typical bottle for the consumer and for commercial/industrial clients.

Call us today so that we can start on fulfilling your packaging needs – we promise you wont be disappointed!

Advantages of Bag in Box for Coffee and Cold-Brews:

  • They are accepted in more places – Many public places like beaches and concert venues do not allow glass bottles
  • They are not a hazard – Glass can be considered unsafe at times. If you drop a box, you don’t run the risk of harming yourself or anyone nearby
  • They fit in more places – Boxes can be stored in more convenient ways that take up less space than bottles.
  • Easier to transport – Because of the straight edge design, boxes can be easily stacked and transported in larger quantities
  • Eco-friendly – Bag in a box is considered a more sustainable, earth friendly and green approach to packaging
  • Bag in a box is FUN! – Create custom boxes to meet all of your needs

Quantity: Minimums and Efficiency

  • Volume: 1.5L / 3L / 5L / 10L / 18 L / 3Gal / 5Gal
  • Printing: 4 Color Process Offset or Direct Flexo
  • Shipping: Master Cases / Trays / Shrink Wrapping
  • Fulfillment: Locations / Specifications
  • Lead Time: Rush Orders / Just in Time Warehousing